Oct 4, 07:07 AM
To recap all the comments above...
Pretty muc everyone who actually had to *use* Notes for work hates it.
The only people who seem to be praising it are the ones who are paid to maintain it. Notice how the Notes fanbois refer to it as a "product", "platform", "solution", etc - and yet provide not a single example where the features of the client itself would make the user more happy and productive.
Yes, I said the word: User!
It's the users that matter most.
And Notes client makes any user miserable.
It is slow, it uses non-standard interface elements, and it has a really steep learning curve (even for the 'engineer' types). I am not a big fan of Outlook, but even Outlook is light years ahead of Notes.
As for the Domino server itself... That thing is just as bad as the client.
Its raison d'etre seems to be simplification of development process.
And it might have made (some limited) sense in 1995.
Not anymore.
Everything, and I mean everything, that you can do with Domino, you can do with Ruby, PHP/MySQL/PostgreSQL, WebObjects, or Java.
You can do it in less time, using highly visual dev environments. You can also easily collaborate on the development process, and systematically create concise documentation. The finished product will run fast and solid, and it won't depend on proprietary (terrible) client software. You will just need a web browser.
Domino, on the other hand, is pure garbage. I remember working in a 20 person company back in '00 where we had a Domino server running on a dual 500MHz PIII server with 2 gigs of RAM - very expensive at the time. It was very hard on the poor machine. It was choking. And the only three things the server was used for were email, very basic scheduling, and a billable hour tracking app. Not that that server is any speed demon by modern standards... But a non-Domino system having the same functionality would not have created any measurable load on the server at all with only 20 users. Did I also mention the server was less than stable? And I still remember how SP6 for NT completely brought the damn thing down... Ouch.
I agree for the most part. It's the same where I work. We had one resident Domino fan (who left us about 8 months ago), and she was the only one in our department who really liked it. Most IT people I know hate Lotus Notes, and our department is no exception. The client is an absolute pain in the ass to contend with. The whole system of IDs and certifiers is a nightmare.
Here are some perfect examples of what's wrong with Domino/Notes.
1. A friend of mine where I work accidentally deleted her Notes ID file one time. (for those of you who don't know, unless you're using the web client, a Notes ID is what stores your personal information [including your password] and you need this to log on to the system). We tried to restore her ID from a backup copy we made when the account was originally created, but it wouldn't work because this copy of the ID was from before she got married, and her name was changed on Domino. The resident Domino fangirl putzed around with it for hours, and could not get it to work. She ended up deleting the account and recreating it, blaming my friend saying "she made a dumb mistake by deleting her ID file." That may have been so, but doesn't it seem a bit ridiculous that there isn't a "Regenerate Notes ID" button in Administrator? Seems like a stupid thing to leave out. So, someone accidentally deletes their ID file (which I'm sure happens at places all the time), you can't regenerate it, and you have to recreate the account? Ludicrous.
2. Or how about the fact that in Domino Admin, I can't change the password in an ID file, so if someone forgets it, they're SOL? As the admin I can't change a password???!!?
3. We've currently got about 5000 users on our student email server. These are iNotes only users -- they don't get ID files and they don't use the Notes client, just web-mail. Domino doesn't provide anyway to track usage of these, only with Notes-ID clients. I've been trying to come up with a way to show how many people are accessing their accounts, and you just can't do it. I've spent hours on the phone with IBM trying to figure this out, and I can't. Their techs don't know how to do it. I'm trying to figure out who hasn't used their account in a year or more so they can be deleted, and IBM doesn't give you any way to track usage through the web client.
Good stuff.
I do have to say though, that although the client is awful and a pain to use, and that users are difficult to administrate sometimes, the server itself holds up pretty well. It really doesn't crash much.
Pretty muc everyone who actually had to *use* Notes for work hates it.
The only people who seem to be praising it are the ones who are paid to maintain it. Notice how the Notes fanbois refer to it as a "product", "platform", "solution", etc - and yet provide not a single example where the features of the client itself would make the user more happy and productive.
Yes, I said the word: User!
It's the users that matter most.
And Notes client makes any user miserable.
It is slow, it uses non-standard interface elements, and it has a really steep learning curve (even for the 'engineer' types). I am not a big fan of Outlook, but even Outlook is light years ahead of Notes.
As for the Domino server itself... That thing is just as bad as the client.
Its raison d'etre seems to be simplification of development process.
And it might have made (some limited) sense in 1995.
Not anymore.
Everything, and I mean everything, that you can do with Domino, you can do with Ruby, PHP/MySQL/PostgreSQL, WebObjects, or Java.
You can do it in less time, using highly visual dev environments. You can also easily collaborate on the development process, and systematically create concise documentation. The finished product will run fast and solid, and it won't depend on proprietary (terrible) client software. You will just need a web browser.
Domino, on the other hand, is pure garbage. I remember working in a 20 person company back in '00 where we had a Domino server running on a dual 500MHz PIII server with 2 gigs of RAM - very expensive at the time. It was very hard on the poor machine. It was choking. And the only three things the server was used for were email, very basic scheduling, and a billable hour tracking app. Not that that server is any speed demon by modern standards... But a non-Domino system having the same functionality would not have created any measurable load on the server at all with only 20 users. Did I also mention the server was less than stable? And I still remember how SP6 for NT completely brought the damn thing down... Ouch.
I agree for the most part. It's the same where I work. We had one resident Domino fan (who left us about 8 months ago), and she was the only one in our department who really liked it. Most IT people I know hate Lotus Notes, and our department is no exception. The client is an absolute pain in the ass to contend with. The whole system of IDs and certifiers is a nightmare.
Here are some perfect examples of what's wrong with Domino/Notes.
1. A friend of mine where I work accidentally deleted her Notes ID file one time. (for those of you who don't know, unless you're using the web client, a Notes ID is what stores your personal information [including your password] and you need this to log on to the system). We tried to restore her ID from a backup copy we made when the account was originally created, but it wouldn't work because this copy of the ID was from before she got married, and her name was changed on Domino. The resident Domino fangirl putzed around with it for hours, and could not get it to work. She ended up deleting the account and recreating it, blaming my friend saying "she made a dumb mistake by deleting her ID file." That may have been so, but doesn't it seem a bit ridiculous that there isn't a "Regenerate Notes ID" button in Administrator? Seems like a stupid thing to leave out. So, someone accidentally deletes their ID file (which I'm sure happens at places all the time), you can't regenerate it, and you have to recreate the account? Ludicrous.
2. Or how about the fact that in Domino Admin, I can't change the password in an ID file, so if someone forgets it, they're SOL? As the admin I can't change a password???!!?
3. We've currently got about 5000 users on our student email server. These are iNotes only users -- they don't get ID files and they don't use the Notes client, just web-mail. Domino doesn't provide anyway to track usage of these, only with Notes-ID clients. I've been trying to come up with a way to show how many people are accessing their accounts, and you just can't do it. I've spent hours on the phone with IBM trying to figure this out, and I can't. Their techs don't know how to do it. I'm trying to figure out who hasn't used their account in a year or more so they can be deleted, and IBM doesn't give you any way to track usage through the web client.
Good stuff.
I do have to say though, that although the client is awful and a pain to use, and that users are difficult to administrate sometimes, the server itself holds up pretty well. It really doesn't crash much.
Feb 13, 07:40 AM
My sincere congrats to all of the new Mods...
Well, first, I need to point out that that was the single most obvious brown-nosed "welcome" I've seen yet. A true work of art. ;) Yes, I'm sending them all cookies, but you won't see me posting that here. Er... whoops!
Second, welcome back - truly - I know you've been worked to the ragged edge of oblivion, and I hope things get better soon. Please let us know if your interview (I missed the original posts about it a few weeks ago) ends up in an offer. If not, I know one of the next ones will. It's easy to get caught up in wondering about why you're working 72-hour weeks now, but it is just a short phase to help you appreciate even more the much better job which I am certain you'll have very soon.
Well, first, I need to point out that that was the single most obvious brown-nosed "welcome" I've seen yet. A true work of art. ;) Yes, I'm sending them all cookies, but you won't see me posting that here. Er... whoops!
Second, welcome back - truly - I know you've been worked to the ragged edge of oblivion, and I hope things get better soon. Please let us know if your interview (I missed the original posts about it a few weeks ago) ends up in an offer. If not, I know one of the next ones will. It's easy to get caught up in wondering about why you're working 72-hour weeks now, but it is just a short phase to help you appreciate even more the much better job which I am certain you'll have very soon.
Aug 7, 11:16 PM
Feb 19, 09:31 AM
Lots of stuff on my desktop... are both screeens) are both screeens)
May 4, 09:56 AM
Does anyone have this issue? I cant seem to view macrumors on safari. It works fine on firefox. On safari it works the first time after I clear cache but after that the page views are not as they should be. Not sure how to describe it but its almost like there is no html or structure. This started about a month ago on safari. I know after a safari reset it works but only the first time out. Its a bit of a hassle to go to firefox to use the site. Any help would be appreciated.
Mar 4, 07:20 AM
1) A generous income exemption per household for the personal income tax, up to US$42,000 for a family of four.
2) 17% flat-rate income tax with NO other deductions for income above that exemption I described.
3) Corporate income tax rate is now fixed at 17% also with very few other deductions available, perhaps only a simple depreciation schedule for plant and equipment.
4) No more taxation on bank account interest, capital gains and stock dividend payments.
That would be a horrible idea, it would hurt the middle class who can't get out of paying taxes. And we would just end up with a lot more CEOs being like Steve Jobs and taking a $1 a year salary while getting the rest of their money from stock and other benefits thus avoiding taxes.
2) 17% flat-rate income tax with NO other deductions for income above that exemption I described.
3) Corporate income tax rate is now fixed at 17% also with very few other deductions available, perhaps only a simple depreciation schedule for plant and equipment.
4) No more taxation on bank account interest, capital gains and stock dividend payments.
That would be a horrible idea, it would hurt the middle class who can't get out of paying taxes. And we would just end up with a lot more CEOs being like Steve Jobs and taking a $1 a year salary while getting the rest of their money from stock and other benefits thus avoiding taxes.
Jul 18, 11:15 PM
Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPod; U; CPU like Mac OS X; en) AppleWebKit/420.1 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/3.0 Mobile/4A102 Safari/419.3)
damn I was considering headin over tomorrow morning but it'll be just as bad maybe worse.
damn I was considering headin over tomorrow morning but it'll be just as bad maybe worse.
Apr 25, 11:49 PM
If you are jailbroken look in cydia for WiFi Analyzer.
Nov 19, 04:36 PM
I wrote the email to him - Headers below. It not a fake people...
i removed my email domain so no one emails my work.
From: Steve Jobs <>
Subject: Re: TJ Maxx? Really?
Date: November 19, 2010 11:35:35 AM EST
To: Robert Novak <>
Received: from ([]) by with Microsoft SMTPSVC(6.0.3790.1830); Fri, 19 Nov 2010 11:35:39 -0500
Received: from ([]) by over TLS secured channel with Microsoft SMTPSVC(6.0.3790.1830); Fri, 19 Nov 2010 11:35:38 -0500
Received: from source ([]) (using TLSv1) by ([]) with SMTP; Fri, 19 Nov 2010 11:35:37 EST
Received: from ( []) by (Postfix) with ESMTP id BA824BE7291F for <>; Fri, 19 Nov 2010 08:35:35 -0800 (PST)
Received: from ( []) by (Apple SCV relay) with SMTP id 24.35.06455.757A6EC4; Fri, 19 Nov 2010 08:35:35 -0800 (PST)
X-Auditid: 11807137-b7bf5ae000001937-8b-4ce6a757bc75
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Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary="Boundary_(ID_Iz2tfVRC00zRUwOWALJwNw)"
References: <>
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X-Pstn-Levels: (S:99.36494/99.90000 CV:99.9000 FC:95.5390 LC:95.5390 R:95.9108 P:95.9108 M:97.0282 C:98.6951 )
X-Pstn-Settings: 5 (2.0000:0.3000) s cv GT3 gt2 gt1 r p m c
X-Pstn-Addresses: from <> [133/9]
X-Originalarrivaltime: 19 Nov 2010 16:35:39.0191 (UTC) FILETIME=[CCC6A470:01CB8807]
X-Tm-As-Product-Ver: SMEX-
X-Tm-As-Result: No--27.709100-8.000000-31
X-Tm-As-User-Approved-Sender: No
X-Tm-As-User-Blocked-Sender: No
They are not an authorized reseller.
On Nov 19, at 8:11 AM, Robert Novak wrote:

Addressing poor condom use

the guy to use a condom.

how to use a condom Can You

Az - Condom producers use

Photobucket | use condoms

Condoms use micro-thin

how to use condoms.

and use condoms that have

by discouraging condom use

and use female condoms,
i removed my email domain so no one emails my work.
From: Steve Jobs <>
Subject: Re: TJ Maxx? Really?
Date: November 19, 2010 11:35:35 AM EST
To: Robert Novak <>
Received: from ([]) by with Microsoft SMTPSVC(6.0.3790.1830); Fri, 19 Nov 2010 11:35:39 -0500
Received: from ([]) by over TLS secured channel with Microsoft SMTPSVC(6.0.3790.1830); Fri, 19 Nov 2010 11:35:38 -0500
Received: from source ([]) (using TLSv1) by ([]) with SMTP; Fri, 19 Nov 2010 11:35:37 EST
Received: from ( []) by (Postfix) with ESMTP id BA824BE7291F for <>; Fri, 19 Nov 2010 08:35:35 -0800 (PST)
Received: from ( []) by (Apple SCV relay) with SMTP id 24.35.06455.757A6EC4; Fri, 19 Nov 2010 08:35:35 -0800 (PST)
X-Auditid: 11807137-b7bf5ae000001937-8b-4ce6a757bc75
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-Id: <>
Mime-Version: 1.0
X-Mailer: Apple Mail (2.1081)
Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary="Boundary_(ID_Iz2tfVRC00zRUwOWALJwNw)"
References: <>
X-Brightmail-Tracker: AAAAAQAAAZE=
X-Pstn-Levels: (S:99.36494/99.90000 CV:99.9000 FC:95.5390 LC:95.5390 R:95.9108 P:95.9108 M:97.0282 C:98.6951 )
X-Pstn-Settings: 5 (2.0000:0.3000) s cv GT3 gt2 gt1 r p m c
X-Pstn-Addresses: from <> [133/9]
X-Originalarrivaltime: 19 Nov 2010 16:35:39.0191 (UTC) FILETIME=[CCC6A470:01CB8807]
X-Tm-As-Product-Ver: SMEX-
X-Tm-As-Result: No--27.709100-8.000000-31
X-Tm-As-User-Approved-Sender: No
X-Tm-As-User-Blocked-Sender: No
They are not an authorized reseller.
On Nov 19, at 8:11 AM, Robert Novak wrote:
Dec 25, 10:00 AM
I've already been given these
New Hockey Skates...
Gaming PC Components....
And Both Together...
Flying Lessons And New Passport...
Merry Christmas :D
My son's CCM Crazy Lite's :) They freak'n ROCK...:D
New Hockey Skates...
Gaming PC Components....
And Both Together...
Flying Lessons And New Passport...
Merry Christmas :D
My son's CCM Crazy Lite's :) They freak'n ROCK...:D
Al Coholic
Mar 31, 04:17 PM
Pros are already using them...
They're idiots. Caught up in the "coolness" hype. Nothing more. And I don't consider weekend wedding photogs to be pros. I guarantee that any full time pro who needs to put food on the table does not depend on, much less condone the iPad to earn his/her keep.
Yeah, right. Like I'm going to be processing 30MB RAW files on a freaking 64gb Web browser.
But surely there are at least some professionals (let's say 20% of those who belong to the elite group quoted above) that have at least some uses for a portable photo manipulation device
That seems reasonable to me. Photoshop is so huge and widespread that 1% of its use is a big number, big enough to encourage Adobe to develop an iPad app.
No. Proofing and this so called "manipulation" belongs in a lab where meticulous care can be devoted to delivering perfectly color balanced prints�. Not a silly-assed iPad out in the field. And if said lab is out of reach then bring the lab with you in the form of something with more computing muscle�.
in other words� get the right tool for the job at hand and the iPad ain't it.
The iPad does nothing for me "in the field" that can't be achieved with a $99 portable DVD player used to show clients an enlarged preview. And photo journalists aren't allowed to use photoshop anyway.
They're idiots. Caught up in the "coolness" hype. Nothing more. And I don't consider weekend wedding photogs to be pros. I guarantee that any full time pro who needs to put food on the table does not depend on, much less condone the iPad to earn his/her keep.
Yeah, right. Like I'm going to be processing 30MB RAW files on a freaking 64gb Web browser.
But surely there are at least some professionals (let's say 20% of those who belong to the elite group quoted above) that have at least some uses for a portable photo manipulation device
That seems reasonable to me. Photoshop is so huge and widespread that 1% of its use is a big number, big enough to encourage Adobe to develop an iPad app.
No. Proofing and this so called "manipulation" belongs in a lab where meticulous care can be devoted to delivering perfectly color balanced prints�. Not a silly-assed iPad out in the field. And if said lab is out of reach then bring the lab with you in the form of something with more computing muscle�.
in other words� get the right tool for the job at hand and the iPad ain't it.
The iPad does nothing for me "in the field" that can't be achieved with a $99 portable DVD player used to show clients an enlarged preview. And photo journalists aren't allowed to use photoshop anyway.
Mar 26, 10:05 PM
I'm having problems with resume. In Safari,preview and some other apps, when I quit it dose not resume. It only resumes when I right click the icon on the dock and go to quit from there. It won't work from the safari menu or with cmd Q. Is this a normal bug or can I do something to fix this. Also, Airdrop is not showing up in the Finder sidebar.
Apr 6, 12:27 PM
I just downloaded a photo from using my iPad2. I wanted to use it as my wallpaper. So I give up; where did it download to? I went to photos and it isn't there. Sorry for what is probably a simple question but I am stumped.
Al Coholic
Apr 27, 05:07 PM
Then writing it up and trying to make it intelligible when this is a very high-tech topic took a few days. And here we are less than a week later."
Translation: We are Apple. We know you're stupid.
Translation: We are Apple. We know you're stupid.
Apr 6, 11:30 PM
0-4!!!!! Go Rangers 6-0!!!!!!
I hate to use vulgar language but ***** YOU!!! I'm still a fan even if we go 0-162.
I hate to use vulgar language but ***** YOU!!! I'm still a fan even if we go 0-162.
Feb 13, 12:55 AM
Any post that even questions or insults Keira's beauty will get you summarily banned.
Well, I may be the first. I've been devising a plan to counter strike edesigns Keira renegade. The only thing holding me back is a decision of whom I will use to attack. Call it Battle of the Hottest Avatars.
Well, I may be the first. I've been devising a plan to counter strike edesigns Keira renegade. The only thing holding me back is a decision of whom I will use to attack. Call it Battle of the Hottest Avatars.
Oct 9, 02:51 AM
Been bouncing around between these 3 for this month:
I love me some Oscar the Grouch and Miranda Kerr!
I love me some Oscar the Grouch and Miranda Kerr!
May 4, 08:42 PM
Thanks for the positive feedback, keep on downloading Foursight while it's FREE!
Feb 5, 09:32 AM
WHERE? Where can I find that wallpaper?
WHERE? Where can I find that wallpaper?
Sep 24, 09:47 PM
oops... I meant scarred. Typo! :D
Meh, works either way.
Meh, works either way.
Jan 10, 05:26 PM
Disappointed. Great for Wall Street and Steve's stock, but who's minding the computer side of the house? I think dropping the "Computer" from its name was the single most significant news of the show. What's next a new gaming console?
iPhone - revolutionary in that it raises the bar VERY high for other manufacturers...But it still smells like first generation to me. Behind the arguably flawless design, usability and performance issues are already being raised. Kudos to Steve and his enormously talented staff, but I'll pass on early adoption. But slick..oh so slick..No one is as good as SJ for coordinating such a project. Now let's see how it sells.
appleTV - mediocre offering at best. 40Gb is way too small to host any HD material. It just begs for an upgrade. Why should it be paired to a computer if it has a wireless connection to the internet? My Xbox360 already can and play HD games to boot!
- no news about MacPro (where's the eight core!)
- no news about laptops
- no update to iPod in the near future (iPhone notwithstanding of course, but what if I don't want or need the phone part?)
- Cingular exclusive deal has already alienated non-Cingular customers
- no new displays (HDCP compatibility)
- no "...and one more thing"
A significant watershed show nonetheless. I can understand the need to focus on the iPhone : there's so much to say about it and it would have surely stolen anything else's thunder. I'm just afraid the gadgets are taking over an AWESOME COMPUTER company and leaving all of us behind. Half the Genius bar at my local Apple store was replaced by an iPod Nano express line...hmm...I hope Apple knows what they're doing this time - remember the Newton!
iPhone - revolutionary in that it raises the bar VERY high for other manufacturers...But it still smells like first generation to me. Behind the arguably flawless design, usability and performance issues are already being raised. Kudos to Steve and his enormously talented staff, but I'll pass on early adoption. But slick..oh so slick..No one is as good as SJ for coordinating such a project. Now let's see how it sells.
appleTV - mediocre offering at best. 40Gb is way too small to host any HD material. It just begs for an upgrade. Why should it be paired to a computer if it has a wireless connection to the internet? My Xbox360 already can and play HD games to boot!
- no news about MacPro (where's the eight core!)
- no news about laptops
- no update to iPod in the near future (iPhone notwithstanding of course, but what if I don't want or need the phone part?)
- Cingular exclusive deal has already alienated non-Cingular customers
- no new displays (HDCP compatibility)
- no "...and one more thing"
A significant watershed show nonetheless. I can understand the need to focus on the iPhone : there's so much to say about it and it would have surely stolen anything else's thunder. I'm just afraid the gadgets are taking over an AWESOME COMPUTER company and leaving all of us behind. Half the Genius bar at my local Apple store was replaced by an iPod Nano express line...hmm...I hope Apple knows what they're doing this time - remember the Newton!
Apr 28, 07:09 AM
A couple of notes... the end user price of your iPhone is really driven by your carrier and what they are willing to subsidize. Also, it's very common in many industries to price things differently from country to country based on local markets. I know in our markets, we have some countries like India that we sell at about a 20% discount of the US, but in Europe, it's about 10% more expensive. Very common.
You also get a lot of people on here looking at the US Apple Store and seeing the iPhone 4 at $200 then checking their own store and seeing it priced around 500 Pounds or Euros.
They don't understand that the US price doesn't include sales tax and requires signing up for an expensive 2 year contract but their own price includes tax and is for a factory unlocked, contract-free phone.
You also get a lot of people on here looking at the US Apple Store and seeing the iPhone 4 at $200 then checking their own store and seeing it priced around 500 Pounds or Euros.
They don't understand that the US price doesn't include sales tax and requires signing up for an expensive 2 year contract but their own price includes tax and is for a factory unlocked, contract-free phone.
Apr 22, 10:53 PM
Because of hardware limitations. I have an old HP laptop running Windows 7, doesn't mean it can run Crysis.
Well what do you expect? You cant reliably expect old hardware to run new software.
Well what do you expect? You cant reliably expect old hardware to run new software.
May 2, 05:05 PM
I decided to not donate for a while. Actions like these get me to reconsider. Which is a good thing IMO.
Now's a good a time as any :)
Now's a good a time as any :)
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