Sunday 22 May 2011

orlando bloom tattoo wrist

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  • DrJohnnyN
    Apr 14, 06:18 AM
    Can't wait.

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  • a new tattoo on the first

  • digitalbiker
    Oct 19, 12:09 PM
    Apple didn't update the form factors was to ease people into Intel. Apple had to convince upgraders that they were still using a Mac, and that the inside was the only thing that changed (for the better). Now that Gen 1 Intel is complete Apple can update the form factors as they have proved Macs will always be Macs.

    I agree completely.

    None of the mac products significanly changed form factor even though the "innards" changed significantly.

    This year should be the year we see major style changes. The old line is getting seriously stale.

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  • Orlando Bloom amp; Flynn

  • AdeFowler
    Apr 15, 03:44 PM
    I like the new iCal :o

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  • Katie Price#39;s wrist tattoo is

  • stevegmu
    Jan 30, 08:17 AM
    I'm betting the tax rebate checks will bump Apple sales...


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  • Orlando Bloom

  • Blakjack
    Apr 22, 05:30 PM
    That dewing would mean the phone be top heavy and be more pruned to falling the hand.

    When holding our phones, a lot of times, the top half hangs over. With thinner bottom, we could easily drop.

    That's my opinion.

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  • to their daughters tattoo

  • iCrizzo
    Mar 31, 12:09 PM
    Looks good to me.


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  • At age thirteen Bloom

  • blackstarliner
    Oct 24, 08:21 AM
    Interesting quote from the UK store MBP Buy now :

    "Intel Core 2 Duo processor
    Powered by two processor cores on a single chip, MacBook performs up to five times faster than the previous generation iBook."

    Looks like the copywriters thought they'd be upgraded too... :eek:

    They've upgraded the store pages for all the products, not just the MBP...

    Good call, other stores are not showing this 'error'.

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  • Hot Orlando Bloom

  • kirk26
    Apr 14, 09:02 AM
    Granted all of the issues everyone has had with the iPhone 4 over the past year (death grip/Antennagate, etc), I doubt that colour is going to be the least of their concerns.

    At this point, waiting another 3 - 5 months for an iPhone 5 would be more prudent than being locked into something so soon before a new device comes out.


    I'm glad I wasn't part of that "everyone" group. Not one issue here.


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  • Orlando Bloom sexy back

  • Some_Big_Spoon
    Nov 3, 12:36 PM
    Parallels has been great, and I'm tolerating CrossOver. I'd just like CrossOver to be faster and more power, plus easier to use. Windows is one bicycle this fish doesn't need.

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  • diamond.g
    Apr 12, 08:14 AM
    As a typical consumer, same as a prosumer, or pro -- speed. For example, backing up your iDevice, importing big megapixel photos and HD videos will be a whole lot quicker.

    It will also make connections easier as TB can handled video, audio, and data in the same cable.

    It's amazing how people who hang out at a site dedicated to Apple don't really know anything about Apple R&D. This is so old news. But here for your edification:

    Take hard note of the sentence: "Developed by Intel (under the code name Light Peak), and brought to market with technical collaboration from Apple."
    Bolding mine... As a point of contention. Especially since iDevices don't even saturate the USB bus. I doubt Apple will spend more money to use faster Flash storage. Especially when (as of right now) Windows PCs don't have ThunderBolt.


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  • rjohnstone
    Sep 30, 05:04 PM
    I'd say it's more of a yes and no on AT&T quality.
    While their service may be spotty in certain locations, the iPhone doesn't exactly have the most stellar antenna.
    My iPhone has dropped calls in locations where my N75 (also on AT&T) has never missed a beat.

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  • miranda kerr orlando bloom and

  • appleguy
    Aug 18, 04:41 PM
    1) Is there now a way to shift several events in time simultaneously, so you don't have to change each one individually when you want to move a group of events?
    Nah you can select more than one event but you can only move one at a time.

    2) When you select several events from different calendars and copy and paste them do they all turn into the same calendar category like the current version of iCal operates?
    Okies I tried to select 2 events (2 different days on 2 different Calendars)
    I then created a new calendar and pasted the 2 into there. Both changed to that colour Calendar. was that what you were after?

    3) Are there any more display options that let you control how events are displayed?
    Not from what I can see.
    the version number of ical is 3.0


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  • miranda kerr and orlando bloom

  • kazmac
    May 3, 08:43 AM
    just confirmed with Apple...hopefully they'll remove that.

    Anyway, looking forward to the spec bumps for the Mini, the Air and the Pro.

    And really hope that everyone's iMacs will behave and be okay this time around.

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  • Defender2010
    May 4, 02:02 AM
    No offense but customer service reps will say anything


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  • has the tattoo of a music note

  • lewis82
    Jan 26, 06:04 PM!CB,sQCwBGk~$(KGrHqUOKj8EzYVfgwz-BNHjtNwKgg~~_3.JPG!CBYTMKwB2k~$(KGrHqQOKpkE0VI1KNiEBNH(1hwEiw~~_3.JPG

    Super impulse buy, but this is an awesome looking pencil :D Can't wait for it to be delivered!

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  • MacRumors
    Apr 26, 11:59 AM (


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  • Biography: Orlando Bloom

  • realitymonkey
    Apr 15, 03:22 PM
    Well they have fixed the chrome not closing when you quit it fault. (And also preventing the shutdown)

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  • Orlando Bloom Miranda Kerr

  • ericinboston
    Apr 11, 02:39 PM
    This couldn't be further from the truth. TB is so much more versatile than USB can really ever be with tons more speed

    I've seen what TB can do and it's great. But what I'm saying is that it will be HARD for TB to step into a USB-dominated computer industry and just kill USB altogether from all angles. Will TB be faster than USB 3.0? real world use by 90% of the consumers/prosumers out there? Maybe. Maybe not. It's like asking Bluray to come in and just dominate the DVD's been trying and 3+ years BluRay is doing well, but the average Joe understands he needs to re-purchase all this movies as well as purchase a hi-def tv and stereo receiver to take advantage of all the features of Bluray (I love Bluray, by the way). It's time, money, and not everyone sees the value or HAS A NEED for that value.

    Will people throw out all their USB devices and twiddle their thumbs waiting for TB devices other than hard drives (cameras, printers, video cams, keyboards, mice, flash keys,)? No. Of course not.

    Speed vs. Speed is 1 argument...versatility is another. But again, what I'm really saying is to look around you and ask yourself if the world is just going to dump USB technology for TB? Nope. TB will likely coincide with USB 3.0 just like eSATA and Firewire.

    We'll see in a few years where we are.

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  • Orlando Bloom and Keira

  • OhEsTen
    Dec 1, 02:23 PM
    C'mon Apple... don't let us down here.

    I agree with the other posters here that Apple needs to take this seriously and kick it into high gear. Send a message to the world (or at least your user-base) that you're on top of the situation.

    I for one, feel that Apple will come through, and am glad becuase I think there will always be a huge "community effort" put into making our choice of platforms better in terms of security

    Don't panic
    Apr 28, 12:26 PM
    Ouch, Appleguy. I believe you may have made our wolfish friend angry. Now we avenge you.


    Hold your guns, Annie. ;)
    it's not lynching time yet.

    thumbs up, fellow hitchhikers!
    tsk, all this time i was looking out for the vogons while it was the darn mice we should be worrying about.

    sorry you are gone appleguy, but at least you certainly helped.
    now the odds are a bit better.

    Oct 24, 09:34 AM
    Yayy!!!! I hope they have this at my local apple store this morning.

    May 4, 09:03 AM
    It really doesn't make sense to me that Apple is changing the time frame of when the iPhone 5 will be released!

    If anything they might release the product in September but they HAVE to announce it at WWDC just for a simple little reason: THE IPHONE IS APPLE'S BIGGEST SELLING PRODUCT AND WWDC IS APPLE'S LARGEST EVENT!

    How would they not announce it then?

    Jul 11, 11:12 AM
    Better mathematical notation input
    The exact opposite is why I shelled out the £35 for iWork, it can have the best mathematical notation support (far superiour to Word* and better than OpenOffice)

    If you download LaTeXiT ( and have LaTeX installed on your system (see this post ( for how to install LaTeX) you can set up a shortcut in the preferences of LaTeXiT (say Command - /) so that you can automatically create an equation from LaTeX written in Pages (using the Services menu), because Pages is a Cocoa App.

    *If you shell out $100 for MathType, Word is probably better than with just Equation Editor, I have never used it though.

    EDIT 2:Reading this thread is great, I don't feel like the only person in the world to like Pages, I'm looking forward for an excuse to give Keynote a go as well.

    Oct 21, 06:46 PM
    2011 wrx

    realistically, i'll get it in november :)
    screw waiting for christmas

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