Sunday 22 May 2011

Dana Wynter

Dana Wynter. Dana Wynter
  • Dana Wynter

  • Chas2010
    Apr 14, 07:01 PM
    Oh great. I'm going to have to tie up my Internet connection for a long period of time to update my 4G iPod touch and iPad 2 for the 4.3.2 update. :rolleyes:

    I REALLY hope that Apple does incremental updates of iOS starting with iOS 5.0 to save us from tying up the broadband connection for such a long period of time.

    Wow. If a little 700MB download ties up your internet, I think you need a new internet.

    Dana Wynter. Dana Wynter Yvonne Craig
  • Dana Wynter Yvonne Craig

  • Farns514
    Nov 8, 10:23 PM
    Burberry Pullover

    Dana Wynter. with Dana Wynter and Kevin
  • with Dana Wynter and Kevin

  • dethmaShine
    Apr 12, 10:14 AM
    TB isn't redundant right now, it's dormant. The TB port on the MBPs right now is effectively useless until there are peripherals to connect to it. But as this thread demonstrates they are coming. First to the pro market but it will drip down during the course of the year. I think Mac OS X 10.7 and iOS5 are going to provide more urgency for TB in consumer markets as well. WWDC will be the big kick off.


    First has to be first somehow. ;)

    I hope that iOS 5.0 and Mac OS X 10.7 (esp FCP) make TB much more clear to the peripheral makers and to the mass consumer.


    Dana Wynter. Dana Wynter (born Dagmar
  • Dana Wynter (born Dagmar

  • jmor
    Sep 12, 09:21 PM
    I love them! I've met the couple that makes them and they're all done by hand. Very sturdy and obviously, very beautiful. They look great on a shelf and feel even better in my hand.

    They're very nice and I love the look, but a little too expensive maybe soon if I can justify the purchase.


    Dana Wynter. Dana Wynter
  • Dana Wynter

  • shanmugam
    May 3, 09:13 AM
    Am I wrong?:confused:

    we have to wait until ifixit teardown.

    are these low power CPUs are standard CPUs under clocked.

    anyway apple is using >$175 CPUs in all the iMac, just a variety in each model ...

    Dana Wynter. Dana Wynter: 1931 - 2011
  • Dana Wynter: 1931 - 2011

  • Dbrown
    Apr 19, 01:35 AM
    Apple would get slaughtered if it entered the TV market. In order to compete with the big boys apple needs to actually own facilities that manufacture flat panels unless it wants to compete on the bottom end with vizio at walmart.


    Dana Wynter. Actress Dana Wynter, who was
  • Actress Dana Wynter, who was

  • arnop
    Oct 31, 11:30 AM
    Why the hell not ?! :)

    Dana Wynter. Dana Wynter
  • Dana Wynter

  • mattcube64
    May 3, 08:49 AM
    Woohoo! About ****ing time Apple offered a decent GPU again. The last time the iMac had a GPU capable of playing modern games was 2007 with the 8800GS.

    I will probably retire my 24" late in the summer and replace it with a top-end 27".

    I have a gaming rig; but its nice to know you can play games on all your computers and/or let someone use it during a LAN party. That 6970m should prove to be pretty nice.


    Dana Wynter. Dana Wynter Image 6 sur 13
  • Dana Wynter Image 6 sur 13

  • sanPietro98
    Apr 10, 07:27 PM
    I've been tracking this fantastic forum for months, and I've been trying to learn from you all. I'm pretty new to DSLRs, after using P&S's for many years.

    So here's my first submission...

    Dana Wynter. Actress Dana Wynter died
  • Actress Dana Wynter died

  • marksman
    Apr 12, 11:34 AM
    By the way, whenever the iPhone 5 comes out it will not have a 4" screen.


    Dana Wynter. Dana Wynter, who ran from the
  • Dana Wynter, who ran from the

  • yamaha106
    Oct 28, 05:08 PM
    A Verizon iPhone :(

    Dana Wynter. Actress Dana Wynter died
  • Actress Dana Wynter died

  • CorvusCamenarum
    May 2, 02:30 AM
    It turns out that this luxury, customized security hideaway where they caught him was only built five years ago (

    Who wants to take bets that the Pakistani government knew where he was all along and has been playing us for years, taking over $50 billion ( from us in aid (best numbers I could find) while pretending to help track him down?

    Screw you, Pakistan.


    Dana Wynter. Happy Birthday, Dana Wynter
  • Happy Birthday, Dana Wynter

  • fcortese
    Apr 1, 08:17 PM
    My 1 year-old a couple of days before his first birthday (click for larger).

    Hope he is doing well.

    Hello all, my first post on these forums... :) (
    R0010609 ( by contracteur (, on Flickr

    Dana Wynter. With Dana Wynter in the 20th
  • With Dana Wynter in the 20th

  • iMeowbot
    Dec 1, 03:00 PM
    But if we agree that the development of a secure OS is all about utilizing sound design, coding and auditing processes, then we must also accept that the challenge will be very difficult for Apple to meet: You just cannot do that with Open Source...
    Sure you can. What you can't do is grab stuff and assume that it does the right thing without checking it for yourself. That's equally true for software developed in house, or developed by subcontractors or commercial partners. It has little at all to do with public vs. private source code.


    Dana Wynter. LOS ANGELES — Dana Wynter,
  • LOS ANGELES — Dana Wynter,

  • Shaneuk
    Apr 8, 11:46 AM (

    Not digital.

    Click for large.

    Dana Wynter. dana wynter bio
  • dana wynter bio

  • VicMacs
    Apr 14, 12:30 PM
    down go the gevey sim unlocks!


    Dana Wynter. dana wynter bio
  • dana wynter bio

  • rhinosrcool
    Apr 26, 01:57 AM
    LOL. love all these posts.

    Can I start a post thats about how Im anxiously awaiting the END of all these "when is the new iMac coming out" threads?

    I really really want to get onto the next set of never ending threads that will go something like this:

    "should I get the 21" X.XX Ghz i5 or the 27" X.XX Ghz i3?"

    And then everyone will get to ask "what are you going to do with it?"
    and then all of the "I love the large 27" screen" and of course "I had to return the 27" screen it was too big!" And the "more cores is better" or the silly goofball with the "I think a larger Ghz number means its faster".

    and then we can move on to all of the "Is 4 gigs of ram enough or should I get more?" threads

    Oh, and lets not forget all of the "I wish it had a larger drive/better video/more SSD options/matte screen/full sized bluetooth keyboard/USB 3/eSATA/24" option!!" posts. Those are my favorite. Wishing, LOL. You get what you get and you dont throw a fit?

    please lets move on...

    Do you think that my post was okay?

    What about a screen bigger than 21.5" but less than 27"?

    Dana Wynter. Dana Wynter
  • Dana Wynter

  • wovel
    Apr 28, 12:31 PM
    No. No. No.

    Comparing Android vs. iOS : fine

    But why the arbitrary distinction of "phones". It's an OS that can be run on multiple devices. Do you compare Mac laptop share vs. Windows laptop share? (In any meaningful context, that is)?

    Actually it is not fine. There are still Android devices sold that will never run 2.0+

    What percentage of those Android phones are compatible with each other?
    The market share data needs to be looked at in a more nuanced way than "Apple Wins!" or "Android Wins!".

    The iPhone's market share *right now* is okay - enviable even - because, when combined with the interests of people who are buying iPhones *right now*, it means that developers have more incentive to make apps for iPhones than for Android...and the better app availability for iPhones makes the platform even better. (And to some extent the Touch and the iPad play a role here)

    The *trend* of the iPhone's market share is more concerning, though, and anyone interested in the future of the iPhone should pay attention to these numbers. (I'm sure Apple is). If the iPhone's marketshare drops too far, or stays too low for too long, there is a risk that developers may shift their resources to developing for Android first. Which will further undercut the iPhone's advantages.

    But these trends are certainly not fixed in stone...I know a lot of people (non-techies) who recently bought a 3GS...$49 for that phone is a steal. But $49 for the iP4 when the iP5 comes out will be even more of a steal...and, presumably, the old iP4 will be available on both AT&T and Verizon. And as more Verizon users come off of their contracts, there may be some additional iP uptake.

    I really see no reason why - with $49 phones available from both Verizon and AT&T, the iPhone market share shouldn't go up to 50% or beyond.

    The trend is iPhone Marketshare went up and Android went down...

    Dana Wynter. dana wynter bio
  • dana wynter bio

  • mdntcallr
    Aug 15, 02:31 PM
    how about some safari improvements like:

    ability to search other search engines, like firefox does. why just google?
    why not wikipedia, IMDB, AMAZON, EBAY and more?

    also how about ability to have bookmarks in a click menu, like yahoo toolbar, where it can be shared among a login on your .mac acct? across all your computers, ie laptop and workstation?

    just some ideas

    Jul 31, 12:11 PM
    Mmm .. no. The reason you don't see it much is because XP SP2 is pretty rock solid as far as operating systems go.

    If a machine reboots when you're typing an email, then folk would still register this as a crash.

    He was talking about seeing blue screens. So it doesn't matter how many people would register it as a crash....they still wouldn't see a blue screen. That was the point he was trying to make.

    Also, just as a side took them three years to create the version you're talking about. I'm not stating this for argument�it's only here as additional info.

    May 1, 11:16 PM
    CIA ( operation apparently.

    The whole operation sounds like something the fictional Clark and Chavez leading a very small Rainbow Six unit from a Tom Clancy novel would do. :)

    Mar 10, 05:25 PM
    I have stayed out of this one for a while, but now he has gone from "sick" to "awesome" with this video on Funny or Die.

    Mar 17, 11:29 AM
    Spectrum only got 12 units today, 6 16gb black wifi and 6 32gb black wifi - I got the 12th voucher - for a 16gb black wifi!

    Congrats! Did anyone else get lucky?

    Apr 29, 04:55 PM
    with Apple it is in AAC that can be converted to MP3, whereas Amazon sells just the MP3.

    Are you saying mp3 cannot be converted to aac? It certainly (and easily) can be done. You can even use iTunes to do it. It isn't the greatest idea as you aren't going to gain any quality and will almost certainly lose quality, but the exact same thing would happen converting aac to mp3.

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